"No, I will not be able to drive a car "

30/05/2014 12:36

When I eat my breakfast in the morning so I usually listen to the radio. Which means that I am also exposed to some advertising. And yes the quote above is taken from an advertisement that strangely want people to rent a car. So why bothering myself with this? Why do I sit down and write about this on my blog. Why does it bother me that women are portrayed as if they are hysterical goose that are not capable of anything? For those of you who fortunately escaped listen to this commercial, the woman had just taken her driving license. In the advertisement the women is asked what she will do now, and it appears that she doesn't have any car. Yes you can see where this is going. There is another commercial from this company, which instead portraits a man who just got his license. Where he is portrayed as a stable and happy person who can finally start to drive a car. A man how trust in his ability. Why cannot women be portrayed in this way? Why must we be subjected to these hysterical role models? Why aren´t we supported into taking the right to be proud of our abilities?

There is another commercial where there is a similar tone. In the beginning I was sympathetic to the advertising, because it was about a female business person who is called by her male secretary. So why do I suddenly get irritated on this advertising as well? Well of course, the woman has made ​​a fool of herself and went to the wrong venue. When she is called by her calm and stable male secretary, she gets hysterical and starts rattling off all sorts of excuses. Why wouldn`t a male business person behave like this. So why are women portrayed in this way?

It is not only harmful to women who are growing up and are looking for their identity. It should not be surprising when one woman proudly say "Yes I can drive a car ". It shouldn`t be strange. But what also is dangerous about this is how the men's view of women is affected. It may for example be the hidden motives when a recruiter will recruit for a specific position. A position where it is important that the person can keep a cool head. Wouldn`t it be sad then if the recruiter thinks, it might be best to take a man someone who does not get hysterical.

I know many women who have more "balls" than many men. So maybe it's time to stop portraying us as hysterical women!

/ Emerald Eye

"No, I will not be able to drive a car "

new balance 420 femme https://www.movinglikewater.com/

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